Build a seamless workflow with Goava and Cinode with our Zapier integrations.
If you use both Goava and Cinode, you can easily apply this use case by following these steps:
1. Create a Zapier account or log in to your existing account.
2. Connect to Goava Discover in your Zapier account. Follow this guide to see all the steps.
3. Search for Cinode in the apps library.
Start building your zap, there are several options you can use both in triggers and actions, in this flow we will use the trigger in Goava called "Company Qualified" and then you choose Cinode action "Search Customer".
Cinode Action:
You will search for the company name with the information you get from Goava in Cinode, to see if you already have the company in Cinode CRM, if the company is unknown, you have the possibility to create a new customer.
Other possibilities you can add is create project in Cinode. This depends on how you process look like, the zap steps should follow the same structure.
If you want hands on help with this set up or other workflows with Goava and Cinode please contact our Customer Success team in the chat.