We are thrilled to announce that we were rewarded the B2B Sales Tool Supplier 2020 award by Prosales Institute at The Sales Conference! Prosales highlight and reward organizations and individuals who are good role models and ambassadors for how to conduct modern and best-in-class Sales and Marketing.
Prosales Institute is a research and advisory firm specialized in B2B commercial excellence. Besides research, they also help their clients create long-term, profitable growth. Every year Prosales arrange The Sales Conference, which with its 5,000+ attendees arguably is the main B2B Sales and Marketing event in Sweden and the Nordics. Prosales Sales Awards is akin to the Academy Awards for the B2B industry. The purpose of the award is to promote B2B companies that provide innovative and efficient tools to support sales and marketing.
The nomination, the selection of finalists, and the final selection of winners follow a particular process. Prosales use both qualitative and quantitative data to ensure the most objective and fair selection process possible, through analysis and input from customers, partners and a prominent jury of experts.
This year they chose Goava as the winner of B2B Sales Tool Supplier 2020.
- Being selected as B2B Sales Tool Supplier 2020 is an honour and a great sign of achievement for us. It’s proof that we are on the right track in our mission to help B2B sales organizations become more efficient. Our success wouldn’t have been possible without the input and help that we receive from our customers, our partners and our investors. We are immensely grateful to them, says Jonas Ehne, CEO Goava Sales Intelligence AB.
About Goava in short:
Goava is a Sales Intelligence platform that helps B2B organizations sell smarter and more efficiently. We collect and analyze open and public data about companies to help sales reps find the right company to target and to make thorough and efficient research about companies. All this is done with the help of AI and Machine Learning to help our customers sell more.
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